I’m heartbroken. Honestly.
Personally, I think Ashlyn vote was pretty opportunistic, seeing as how they chose to ignore the obvious reason as to why zone voted for me. Also didn’t realize that we were memeing on each other.
Anyway my battery is running dangerous low and I am going to sleep.
Case Study Entry One:
When did I say I was meme’ing?
Oh you unvoted
I can’t vote two people at once, and Ashlyn voted later than you, so yes: I “unvoted” you.
what do u guys think about blood
I don’t like it when it’s on a clocktower.
what about when in your mouth
Two of us are not in the right state of mind for this conversation.
fair enough
Don’t apologize headpat
You will regain your wisdom… One day.
no i meant u were meming cause u unvoted u doof
im so lost at the this other convo that just happened.
i got my wisdom teeth out today and im being predictably normal about it
OHHH ok that makes much more sense
With every player here, we could quickhammer Magnus
Think of the rewards you will reap!
VOTE: Magnus
Too much iron.
I never unvoted…?