Helluva Boss Mafia - Mafia Victory

yeah, I think so too
I wouldn’t read too much into the anti-spew thing because of the WIFOM

I can see the wallposts being self-pres but I still don’t really like them or find them towny tbh
do you scumread Frost btw? or are you just ok with it as being the exe for today?

I never said that
I said it’s probably a less likely world compared to the others based on VC alone but I don’t see why they can’t be w/w


I think I kind of SR Chihiro a bit more than Wazza

yeah, it’s less than what I expect tbh but hopefully she’ll come back again soon

what the
I have no idea

either way, I don’t think it’s enough for me to not want to yeet there today though

Magnus said he knows, even so that was a lie.

do you think that’s more an indication that Frost is town or that wolves feel like they can’t push back against a Frost exe today?

?? I’m not sure I get that
out of all the player in this game, who you do think understands your meta/has played in games with you the most?

also, who’s the scumteam in your eyes?

ftr, I was on Frost since D1
so idk, not much of a surprise there

I actually think Gorta’s townier now
from the recent posts I just read

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btw, do you still SR Zorvo?
what does your scumteam look like rn?

hmmmm :thonk:

omg so Frost is currently the top poster at 190 posts, that’s 5 posts more than me (4 if you count this one)

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is it bad even if it makes us townread you?

idk how useful this question is but what would you say is the difference between your towngame and your scumgame?

null reads aren’t real

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first is town and second is scum, I’m assuming?

why those three?
also, that’d be a scary team :wowee:

I dont have accurate tell in mountainous games

usually as town, I strike conversation with people and gather information even on D2 I did the same thing
As scum I am more cold and calculated like on Upick

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oh great, I have Upick opened rn :wowee:

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