Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Hugs Wind comfortingly Regardless of your alignment, I hope your day improves Wind. :sleepingleafeon:

In that world I’m exceptionally convinced you’re scum not vig

So idrc what you call me I’d have my pelt

in that world you would have a cats fur

Alright so can someone tell me what is going on and why Wind is in a bad mood

I call you orange, nerd, or anti-pidgeonist.

I hate this

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Going to head out for now but I should be back before EoD. :sleepingleafeon:

hgey woah wtf

Im sorry it had to be done

Honestly, if wind was scum it would feel really strange for them to just like, not CC me there tbh

@FPSers vote elsewhere


tsp isnt their partner because they’d instruct them to cc


You first

  • Brad

reads like this have never bit me in the ass


Why is Hood mafia?

  • Brad

i will stop voting wind and start voting wazza


read from here @FPSers

make your own conclusion


I’d also like to know why I’m mafia since all the reasonings I’ve been given are really niche one off posts that people decide “Yes this is scum”

Also Wind wants to make it clear they think Melody jumped on us randomly