Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

I have a question for you guys
What even is the consensus vig pool if you’re flipping wazza/me today?
Like you guys are dogpiling on us and both Litten and Chloe have said who they’d vig as a vig
But the rest of you aren’t even giving suggestions so who the f are you going to vig when we flip town
What are you gonna do with your reads


this is why im the best wolf, not the best villager, correct

why tf do we need a consensus pool

Are we really going to shrug yeet town!Windward?

  • Brad

is this your good vibes post

it isn’t a shrug yeet and I’m at a loss how you think it is

should we form an ita list too


i thoght this was vig 10 not cop9

I can do it


Really? She asked a good question bronana.

  • Brad

Vig can do what they want they’ll heroshot anyway

do u townread her bradze

No I just plugged in my phone really quickly to ask that question
I don’t care what vibes it gives off but I want people to actually think


  • Brad

there’s a vig claim

either they get shot by the real vig or they take a potshot on their way down at whoever they deem most likely to be scum based on the flip

trying to control the vig is not going to help the town

Can you give actual posts we’re literally 3 mins from EOD

That should’ve been heard as “Yes” I do townread Hood hydra.

  • Brad

how do you feel about MR

idr if you ever gave a take on them

god i keep reading that as master radishes


Because some of you are just sitting happily on your reads and preflipping me as scum when that isn’t the world that exists
So you are going to be absolutely flabbergasted when I flip town and wonder where you went wrong
The point of my question was: are any of you going to reevaluate when I flip town or are you just going to plow through the wolf agenda because you don’tw ant to think?
