Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

The sooner you answer the more likely I am to believe you aren’t being coached in scumchat

Tick tock my fren

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Hmmm, hard to say. The biggest thing is how quickly I got to L-1 without anyone defending me, but then again, that has happened in a recent scumgame of mine too and considering how I’ve improved my scumgame, I can understand why people would be wary of my slot if they didn’t know how to read me very well. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m also talkingbto a friend on Skype too. :sleepingleafeon:

You getting to L-1 isn’t something you’ve done - it’s something that was done to you

What actions have you taken, or what things have you said that you should be townread for? Are you out of your scumrange?

What about you @YoubutWorse

What have you done that you should be townread for? Are you out of your scumrange?

I’m aware of that but it is something that should be taken into consideration and personally, I think I’m out of my scumrange but just barely. The biggest thing is how I’ve been trying to solve all game and I haven’t been buddy-buddy with anyone. Why all the questions if you’re set on me being a wolf? :sleepingleafeon:

Also @LeafiabutWorse last night you only gave me 1 example of a mindmeld with fps that made you think they’re town

I’d like more

Don’t grab quotes just describe the melds to me

leafia is typing so I shall again write in a google search bar to respond. Personally I think I should be townread for a number of things this game, I defended HH and townread them (and they were town), I have actively posted and just overall been here, and I think my reads are pretty decent. I believe I am probably out of my scumrage just with how I’ve been posting and you can see that for yourself if you look at past games (which I can link if need be)

You don’t solve as a wolf?

Also you don’t consider townreading Engineer when he was practically burying you to be buddy-buddy?

Did something happen between last game and this game to drastically change your playstyle?

Show me posts that are out of your scumrange and tell me why

My wallposts, any of them (the last one included even though its cut off like half way through)


Why lmfao

What about those wallposts is out of your scumrange

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You’re only mentioning the bad stuff and I tried hard to save HH and failed unluckily. I was also pushing EngineerGaming in the latter half of the day and I can’t remember more times off the top of my head. Being pulled away by RL a bit too. :sleepingleafeon:

leafia is typing again :slight_smile: back to google searchbar. Personally when I’m scum I find it very difficult to make wallposts so I usually dont do it or do it once or twice, usually ill resort to reading thread and then not posting my thoughts about it with reasoning like “nothing happened”, which I haven’t done at all this game (i think lmao). I get extremely stressed out posting or writing thoughts when I’m scum in fear of spewing something so my post count will also usually sink due to that compared to town games.

This doesn’t seem like you were trying hard to save HH in the slightest. You voted Melody (another villager) which I don’t think is clearing, then went back on Wind?
There’s no fire or… care
You just kinda float around - there isn’t the confidence I’m used to when you’re extremely strong on a read

How is this out of your scumrange?

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Hey 2wolves, I see you liking all of cat’s posts. Any thoughts of your own?

Oh I’m letting them do what they want to do.
I’m not going to get in their way of it.
So far all’s good

The fire and care is there and that vote on HH was selfpres and I’ve stated multiple times that I’m trying a new strategy this game. My reads aren’t the best, so I’m trying to consider the possibility that I could be wrong more. I’m improving my village game. :sleepingleafeon:

And more where this came from

Firstly these aren’t wallposts - there aren’t really any in-depth thoughts
It’s just quoting things in catchup and joking, asking useless questions that you don’t follow up on, and giving very barebones and easily-fakeable reads on things
Feels very similar to this game

What’s different from your “walls” in this game as opposed to what you did in SCP? Can you point to some specific parts

If you want to prove that you’re a villager to me cat, change your vote to 2Wolves1Hydra because I’m 100% certain they’re a wolf. :sleepingleafeon: