Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

please do


katze town ez read next


now you all feel my pain
signing posts is subhuman

I forgot to sign the opening post but that was me


why is your pfp danny phantom

It’ll make it easier to tell who’s talking if we do. :sleepingleafeon:

we’re going to drown the thread

in your tears


/vote TheBirdsAndABee


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ok this might be a dumb thought but did something prompt this particular phrasing

meh should clarify it’s been me

do you have a problem with it


i believe in the ideal of a global community, where @EngineerGaming is but a small part
we must set aside our differences, and work with our fellow hydras, united towards one goal

the complete and utter annihilation of @cat


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/vote TheBirdsAndABee @Host_Account_2


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the collective that is me eels signing posts is subhuman cause the differences should be obvious

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I’ve already tried to like my own posts bc I don’t recognize the pfp I can’t wait to do that like 500 more times



ok but like was the specific phrase “subhuman” prompted by anything in particular

forum looks like waluigi
brad why


Laughs :sleepingleafeon: I love the flavor too.

sign posts


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this is Arete Asks Useless Questions But Pretends They Mean Something To Look Townie Hour

welcome all


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