Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

and yes, Felix did want dota shot for (almost) purely personal and hydra-health reasons.


Currently aiming at the Marshal/Whysper Hydra right now

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i like how you said nothing about our slot

to be fair i wanted to join the game by apologising to mist and letting everything that happened be behind us but i didnt end up writing the post

I read slots that had been in contention with the other two, yours was not in much discussion. I assume for partly personal reasons, though I cannot say for sure.


you should shoot gay/thepretender hydra theyre really sussy

I will pass the message on.


im unironically here to just play mafia i dont troll people unless im really provocated to do so, if mist doesnt get salty at me i will treat her normally like i treat everyone else

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there are inherent playstyle differences between us that I can elaborate on if so asked, though what I would appreciate most are your thoughts after reading my Zwelious section.


I do hope that you’re town because I’m shooting GC


u suck and are stupid and i hate you and your mama SOOOOO fat :sunglasses:

I’d rather you shoot us if you’re trying to be this brainless.


good luck

dont listen to anyone shoot whoever you think is best

I don’t care to lose the game because you make a bad shot.


Get out.



Then who would be a good shot? S&K?


now it is being discussed so what do you think you dont have to ignore us anymore

also why do you want 2wolves dead thats kinda sussy of you

aw hell yeah

Shoot either 2W1H or Zwe shrug
