Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

we are in the worst world

See guys my plan went down fiiine

I just bought us another mis-shot so, in reality, I am legally a god now.

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i will miss you seth i have never been more sad about being right on a read before

A few notes

When someone is shot it helps if someone pings me or dms me on disc. also flavor for flip is coming laterze


Okay gonna go pre-submit a shot on S&K and then go take a nappy


Marshal is a katze alt confirmed???

Well, that was easy.


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laterze? thats kinda :joy_cat: of you


i went to lie on my bed after i got home but i fell asleep and then jake got back
i would have been so mad if he impulse shot someone else while i was asleep

no i dont want to get shot by you anymore fuck you
i will solve this game so hard you will piss your pants
but first ill get food

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Tbh dota/lol could still be mafia and i could have just been 4/4 which is why they needed to change things up but there are people i want to kill more atm

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change what i changed nothing

No you’re supposed to say “I’ll solve the game so hard that your pants will need me to piss them too”


well you went from doing nothing to doing something

ah yes clearly its game related because im scum

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im so confused why would your pants want to get pissed on by me

frank is town as fuck

good work keep it up