Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win




  • cheeze

lock me in it’s what hot people do


good stuff

i feel like thread rn is the equivalent of an airport
also shot is 10 min after i go to work so that sucks balls


Okay, have fun then.
I’m not going to read 2000 posts.

wolfy pop in


tldr is are you scum
share with the class


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im worried its gonna be a cheese vs sonic lylo

loser get gayde here we dont need you :rage: :rage: :rage:

yes i know i just said a team which contains neither but i doubt im right

it wont be because we are both scum :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

actually why did you say you make sense as scum with cheese

then pick something u think is right

hes the only pseudo poe person im townreading same as me and blizer in hugarashi


eli or jake/?

technically kiiruma too but i also dont care about them getting shot so its not team material while i care about cheese getting shot

eli hes been liking my posts