Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

see this is why i expected you to get the gun if you were a villager

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legend you are not a beta cuck i apologise

Do you dare say such drivel against the eyes of the lord Bingus?

yeah im a floppa fan


the game would end in 120 minutes

ot SonicAndKnuckles

no, it would just end 48 hours earlier than if you didn’t get the gun



i agree

he looks like this guy Becoming the World's First League player to Touch Grass - YouTube

no he doesn’t what are you on about

that guy in the video has a chad jawline

the guy in the gif doesn’t

A Chad jawline is a mindset
Stopping in from AP Gov


youre absolutely right i apologise

my cat liquid diarrhea all over the floor next to my chair downstairs but I forgive him because its specifically orange

wazza lmk when u have some takes for me min


Idk I haven’t read enough to be sure whom to shoot but I have some opinions on whom not to shoot if that helps
I veto shooting GoldandCrystal for now
Kinda veto shooting the cheese slot, idk whether i believe the derp clear but I don’t think they’ve been scummy so far?
I haven’t paid much attention to other slots so that’s all I have for now