Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

idk I think you’ve been townread too easily

they’re wolfreading every single slot except for cheese

either way outstanding move

Specifically the ones where they talked about LHF. I don’t think that they should be worried about but I also think that shooting someone should depend slightly on how good of a villager they are. Shooting someone who is likely a wolf but also very likely just a villager who has bad reads and is acting wolfy is way more detrimental in this game than in normal mafia.

I didn’t like eevee’s entrance because I don’t believe it exists.

I like Geyde’s more because I think it exists.

It was a Mash on MU, not important. regardless, I’m scared of Eevee.

is that wall too partnered to be partnered with cape

hmmm de la hmmmmm

as a wolf i over-explain and over-elaborate upon loads of reads which i shouldn’t have as a villager because i work backwards from the fact i know a player’s alignment and reach to find the most reachy things. this is because i am posting to get townread, not to find wolves or villagers. when i village there is more of a process going on behind the scenes. aelin can probably attest to that, since our chat is where i’m holding most of the reads that i want to simmer (if you want specifics, my reads on you and trochi)

Eevee has effectively planned for this game by getting the fuck out before the game started to pursue a professional career in dubbing Despacito

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why do you think them saying this is AI

also if you fear Eevee so much why do you think he’s catchable by basically not showing up at sod

(I’m assuming you think this otherwise you would have mentioned you thought it was wolfy)

okay all I have to say is
I will provide meaningful content when I get home
Mist and I have both been really busy all day
so I don’t think it’s fair for that to be a main reason for scumreading us what I have stated this multiple times
that’s all
I have to go again


I think Cape/Cheese slot is potentially always just a villager who is wrong. I haven’t played one game with Cheese when I was alive when his wolfreads were right. I also think that If they are town then they will be clearly town regardless of who tries to pull them down.

I don’t like people acting specifically pockety towards you, I don’t think it looks good regardless of if they’re village or not. Esooa used to always talk about how she liked to poskcet people as town, but if you’re town I think that you shouldn’t have to resort to that, similar to AtE.

is this Illwei or brad

I don’t think that they’re great villagers most of the time.

I’d kinda vibe with a more explainy style
It’d make it easier to read because I can prod a larger thought process

i don’t think cape is a bad villager

also why does the “should not get the gun” quota not apply to the slot that has a member that’s been banned for game throwing

or the other slot that has a member banned for game throwing

Not really, it was a fluffpost that said nothing and yet when i read it i felt it deep in my soul.

They don’t seem to be scared of what people in thread think of them. I like their comfortability in thread. That’s not word salad it’s a read lmfao.

no it’s not that i’m more explainy

it’s that the stuff i try to give for my reads is just… made up


I legit do not remember a single thing you have posted

I said buzz salad not word salad
That’s me saying that I can’t understand what’s going on in the post because it’s all buzzwords


then how do you have a read on us

so you

  1. go through the figuring out process
  2. come up with read
  3. come up with justification for read

so cart before horse

is that right