Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Crystal’s the better one anyways.

  • Brad
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So what do you want to talk about then


Awww, thanksies :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was kinda thinking that while looking and typing it out.

Even though I find the speculation in the beginning strange. Why do it as wolf? You are basically providing the first bit of information to the town in solving the game, early for free.


I do both

What reason do you have to not be shot? In my eyes, despite being active, you have contributed to very little and have stayed out of actively ongoing thread discussions.

just find 2 towns and its autowin this game is so easy

Your math is impeccable -_-

The only reason not to shoot me is if your intent is to steal my herothunder

Or, if you prefer to not die by shooting town.


i was the one doing the speculation

why do you have all of this unearned confidence

why are you playing the game like this


because he’s a wolf trying to asset dominance with a bunch of braggadocios nonsense

anyways going to bed

Bye forever

that’s the easy answer yes but i’ve been on this site long enough to take the easy answer with a grain of salt


Because if I get shot then I can re-enact Hamilton

Spoiler for Hamilton

and get shot by Aaron Burr, and ultimately end up a legend

oh yeah spoiler for american history guys



The worst thing that can happen is that I get to naenae on GGhanahead’s dead body


why would he be doing it as a villager

he could be trolling but frankly I don’t care about this possibility, as someone who’s lost to trolling villagers at this point multiple times I’ve lost the will to care

he could seriously have that amount of confidence in which case it’s important to determine why, if he can’t say why he’s probably faking

Spoiler for the civil war

Batman dies fighting against the confederates, but gets resurrected by the bri’ish and makes a cameo in WWI with the Allies