Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Could you explain your MX/Troch read?


I should have read more.

I didnā€™t think it would have been an announced thing, but maybe I should have read back since I was super tired around the start of the game.

So where that came from was I was thinking that bingusbongusbangus was just kinda asking a lot of follow up stuff without thinking of many of the implications in their own head.

I think with a implication of them having gun, it makes total sense now


Iā€™m not the emo bitch Iā€™m not going to wallpost there
and I donā€™t think trying to grab them will yield instant results try again later


God you sound so egotistical it makes me want to do Very Negative Thingsā„¢.
No, it was not a Kafka trap because Kafka traps are fallacious and inherently useless.


bites tongue

So many things to say here that could get me banned.


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what is your opinion on the 2Wolves slot right now?

damn straight you are and right on cue

go on


Meh. Unfortunately, not responding to it was not what I anticipated so Iā€™m back to just being confused about you, I suppose.


Aye, tā€™was a joke ladssy

Also, who the fuck is ā€œaā€


its a letter

youā€™re welcome

ā€œAā€ll the single ladies

I mean
Aelin (my phone likes to autocorrect ā€œcā€ to ā€œaā€ and I donā€™t always catch it

Hedgehog and Enchilada here to save the day. Thank you.


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I donā€™t remember anything from them so Iā€™m just wondering their reasoning for barreling in with a Jake townread and how far theyā€™ve read

I am the uncanny valley made flesh
predictably unpredictable


I like to imagine that you just forgot that both of your names start with A


I mixed up Arctic/Aelin hydra for the Wazza/WindwardAway hydra

either way, both are town imo


i will do some heavy sleeping today and checking health for army draft tommorow so i leave the rest to dota for a while he will probably do nothing lol have fun

I legit didnā€™t even know what the WA/WI hydra was until you mentioned it.

How do they have 74 posts already

How did I not notice them before


I just sense something is off.
I donā€™t know why.

I think that early on I saw a post which felt like they were agreeing that bingus slot would be ā€˜Obvious villaā€™ and I donā€™t know why but it erks me and I think that comes from a W whoā€™s just not sure how to react to it.

Also itā€™s a slot with quite a lot of postsā€¦ but like a lot of nothing to it (I feel like Iā€™ve said this before)
Thereā€™s some alright reads but like I can see them from any alignment so it doesnā€™t make it better.

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Sanik and ugandan go to the army 2022 edition


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We were originally going to sign all of our posts with A to fuck with yā€™all but doing that would remove my moral high ground when I scream at people to sign their posts so we decided to be fun and sign as our characters instead
