Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

wow i’m glad kiiruma found another identical hedge to hydra with


you should consider there a reason why people get angry with u sometimes

have you not discussed your reads at all

I’m pretty sure this is lol and I think this is town!lol

i am becoming unhinged

you are a consensus wolf slot and have no idea what’s going on
i do not want you around anywhere near lylo

If you mean, do we have a hydra chat or something? No, not really. It’s best to tackle things individually. 2 sets of thoughts, sure we can work together and discuss privately, but we’re currently vanilla townies with not even the power to vote. Might as well work separately so there’s multiple angles to see things from

thats perfectly fine and i am aware almost like you cant be liked by everyone

that would be great if you weren’t literally dating

now it just feels like an excuse to not have a hydra chat

have you really not discussed the game together at all

thats valid I like u tho

i like u both but hyperposting is annoying when ur lazy to play

I guess we’re killing thecubed today

yeah im not even hyper posting this game, most of it has been ghana which idm usually but its harder to navigate everything

slots like mine are perfect for mylo wdym lol

i treat everyone as 1 entity theres no point to hydra if ur just gonna separate yourself anyway

u both suck as an extenstion to ghana sucking

An excuse to not have one? Like, we can do if that’s really important and just add hosts to it or something.
But like, both of us do a multitude of different things and we’re certainly not up and around at the same times.
Kiiruma is often up at ungodly hours.

Like the most we’ve discussed if ‘Hey I signed us up for a game, go check it out, give some thoughts’
Nothing really like hard on reads but it’s not like it’s difficult to read up on what he’s said. He doesn’t post too much

except for seth the king

your mom sucks

sucking warm tea out of her ceramic cup with santa on it

yeah idk which one of you is Emilia who performed a Single White Female-esque kill and replace scheme but you can be Town for now

Why am I not an IC yet.

Who’s decision was it to not immediately murderize me.

I want a lawyer.