Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

magnus why do you increase your eloquence a little bit every game

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There are a lot of issues with this

  1. Why is “only 75% of decision is town” a problem? All mafia games work like that when we decide the daily execution. How can the cop decide on their own way when they can’t speak? If everybody gets to willy nilly decide on their own to use chocolate that’s an excuse for wolves to not get red checked

  2. You suggest “we” to force 5 Vanilla. How do “we” do that without including the mafia in the decision, something you just claimed that is bad and should be avoided? Our current plan forces 9 people to be vanilla. That is a bigger pool for the cop, its more likely to have wolves in it

  3. Everybody softing a green outs the cop if the cop gets a red


i suggested a purposefully bad suggestion to see if someone noticed congrats you passed

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potato and jail are both town

VOTE: Hippopabloyeetus

I would urge you to not do this if you’re town, in case this is a joke. I think you are aware FoL suffers from lack of town wins. I think everyone agrees it would be good if we play well and win for once. And if you’re serious this is egregious. If people follow the plan the cop can get red checks. Because mafia is unable to be vanilla. If villagers who aren’t consensus town decide to not follow the plan and use chocolate they might get red checked by the cop and it’s entirely their fault. Thet could have gotten green checked instead. We dont need their chocolate mode, only 1 VT vote is enough to get protection, and 5 people guarantees it

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Man. Ugh. How do I read this


Hmmm, tempted to agree with you there honestly. VOTE: Hippo It deserves a pressure vote at least.

Claimed wolf. j/k

Same with my phone.

I’m fine with being checked tonight.

Not sure I buy this fully. What did you expect to gain from doing so?

What about Zone who agreed with you?

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what does this mean :sob:

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VOTE: Hippo

Ill keep my vote for now. Hippo is a bit polarized in the sense that he messes around a ton more as mafia. But he has had town games where he went hard on and got in a lot of v/v conflict. Combinatorics is what Im thinking of, the first one. So this isnt damning for him is what im saying

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if i was mafia would i enter thread, waffle, and in response to criticism just do a backflip and leave for the next 6 hours? think about it.


also zone hasnt been towny

There are doubt casted in Luna regarding the opening posts, borrowing from Tutuu’s perspective he is forgiving on Luna’s faults, I wouldn’t put Luna as pressured player being in list entrusted to protect

The difference between Luna, ILP and Chomps is that Luna isn’t on chopping block, so just you know you assume to tell me about being pressured, that Marluna would need some more pressure and not entrusted to protection list until then.

I look into ISO from protection list and not from search engine, also yes. You answered yourself whom the opposition is.

Which that leads to me in conclussion there is a form of objection that doesn’t seem noticeable in first glance

Leafia is sharing potatocat’s though regarding Jail, Chomps however is not what I have looked into yet when I made this post, since he is a wagon and not in protection list.

Although Chomps is barely scratching the top of the surface reading jail as town, so actually haven’t found anything relevancy that leads to my read why jail shouldn’t be selected as chocolate. It’s kinda the same that jail has some doubt like Luna.

All these one liners, it’s insane to townread that slot (I like posts)

(Sorry Willow, I hope you can redeem and get neil work with you)

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Wdym. Forcing POE to stay as Town (i.e., exclude them from list of Chocolates) is a good idea.

The number is wrong, but the idea isn’t.

Death sentence.

VOTE: Hippo


Day 1 Votecount 2

Hippopablompoyeetus (3): Leafia, tutuu, Zone_Q11
Chomps (2): potatocat, Magnus
I_like_posts (1): Chomps

Not Voting (8): jail, childe, Frostwolf103, Marluna, Camilleon15, Creature, Hippopablompoyeetus, I_like_posts

My current guess for the team is Hippo, Chomps, snd somebody who is neither Creature nor the hydra. I dont townread Creature and I dont particularly townread the hydra, but just a hunch. Somebody we arent talking about like Chameleon or Frost, or maybe somebody who has fooled us and is receiving townreads. Oh childe is here too

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