Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

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Final VC

Hippopablompoyeetus (7): Leafia, tutuu, Zone_Q11, Chomps, Frostwolf103, Marluna, jail
Chomps (3): potatocat, Magnus, Hippopablompoyeetus

Not Voting (4): childe, Camilleon15, Creature, I_like_posts

Flip will be posted in 2 minutes

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Hippopablompoyeetus melted after being banished outside…


Night 1 begins…

and will end at 2025-01-22T22:00:00Z

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Actions locked. Sending out feedback now.

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Splat! You hear melting ice cream hit the ground. As it turns into a puddle, you learn @Marluna was…

Day 2 starts now, and ends at 2024-01-24T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 12 players alive, majority requires 7 votes.

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Well, my check was either a red on Magnus or a green on Frostwolf. I’m glad that we were able to get Hippo out too. That sudden upsurge in votes on Chomps near the end had me a bit worried.

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destructive self vote to d1 wolf hang as counterwagon
images - 2025-01-22T104237.812


N1 - Creature mafia
N1 - Frostwolf town

If I’m VT, I used Chocolate mode and voted to protect Zone last night

I expected to be strongman killed. The fact that I wasn’t makes me think of 2 explanations:

  1. I am wrong that childe is mafia, and possibly wrong on my other reads too. Potentially there are wolves in the people I’m shielding so I’m benefitting the wolves

  2. The wolves had a stronger cop read on Marluna than on me, they thought that I’m a VT, and decided to prioritize their cop read

Or could be both at the same time

I am going to tentatively place my vote on childe for now but I’m not as confident as I was yesterday. I regretted not spamming in all caps yesterday EoD to kill childe. But now I’ll chill about it. I would like you guys to consider for yourselves if my reasoning has decent likelyhood of hitting a wolf

VOTE: childe

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This was my reasoning. You’d have to ISO childe and decide for yourselves if it was theatrical or not, and if it is theatrical, is it wolfy. Because childe’s excuse was wanting to make up for being afk

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If I’m VT, I chose to protect Tutuu last night.

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VOTE: Jail

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I think it’s at least deserving of some pressure. VOTE: Childe

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sure VOTE: Childe


actually no im being a bottom VOTE: Jail

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jail played that eod so Wolfy


Despite defending Hippo, I find jail trustworthy. I can’t really justify it further than that. I just find his tone towny. It felt to me like he’s just a wrong town. Same for Chameleon15

Huh… Doc dodge tutuu was obvious, but they didn’t choose me or Leafia?
I genuinely thought I’d die N1.

N1 Actions:
Redcheck Magnus; Greencheck Chomps; Chocolate tutuu.


At EOD I very nearly eked out the message that w!Hippo had no reason to leap into the thread last moment if the votes were swaying, thereby confirming he was town, as an attempt at a predictable hurrah. I failed to send it, but I was also wrong so I deserve the tomfoolery. Anyhow like half the game is cleared from an external lens, I’ll be withholding my checks supposed or otherwise until a pertinent moment throughout the day.