Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

oh next time ill use wingdings then zzz


i mean . sure but also its like . idk that degree of openwolfing as an actual wolf is insane and idt it fits an average player, a new player, or bystander, all of which camille could be


i mean sure but also shrug


im going to sheep this read


That’s not openwolfing.

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No ciphers:

wingdings is a font?

ehhh its like. close enough? idk it Would be openwolfing if that Was a wolf

Not really. What would be really hilareous would be if Hippo had managed to convince one of his two wolfmates that he was a cop for a bit. Laughs


This reminds me of one of my first games on the old site where I was a wolf. One of my teammates and I were having some fake conflict and a teammate of ours forgot the one that I was in conflict with was a fellow wolf for a bit.

Not saying it means anything for Camille’s alignment though.

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i understand why im being called camille and not cameron its because of my short stature and long hair i guess

gosh darnit!

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No. Because of your username.

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Neil, is Creature readable for you yet?

Oh I didn’t see your vote






Things are calm

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Too calm. Something is unnerving me, but I have no idea what it could be. It almost feels like the calm before the storm right now.

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We can get paranoid over easy games too. I’m not sure if you played in Percy Jackson. We swept the wolves and people got paranoid it was too easy and the obvious wolves weren’t obvious. May often speaks about how she struggles by assuming the game can’t be that easy.

I think that Hippo lost motivation not entirely due to enjoying his new Batman game on the Xbox, but partly due to the game feeling unwinnable / unfun for him. Wolves had no control D1.

It’s not impossible the game is hard and wolves are deep. I can’t predict that. I just think it’s okay to be relaxed now while we wait for childe’s flip.

If childe flips town then I think it’s reasonable to start being concerned.

Until then, right now I think the only concern is a flash wagon away from childe due to boredom / paranoia.

So please don’t flash wagon or do something drastic out of boredom @ everyone.

I think we’re fine. Fighting!!!

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I don’t remember if I was in the Percy Jackson game or not. You’re probably right though. We likely have nothing to worry about.

Save the worrying for if we get to a point where literally only the towncore is still alive and the game is still going on. I highly doubt we’d get to such a point though.

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I’m impressed by how much you’ve grown as a player and person, by the way. You’re the GOAT!