jail - Golden Freddy. My memory nearly slipped, but after ISO I remember P#85 being interesting. (Because it lead to further conversation with potatocat.) Rest of ISO is unimpressive. NAI. Sheeping general consensus’ read of [not paying attention to him for the time being].
childe - Yet to arrive. Null.
Frostwolf103 - He seems proactive in regards to planning future action. (I.e., mass-claiming non-Vanilla votes in case of no kill.) I want to hear more from him, but I guess he’s sleeping right now. Current read: Townlean. (Yeah… I just don’t see w!Frost being this proactive. I may be biased because of our private chatter, but I feel like Frost is generally a straightforward person. What do you call it… a polarized player?
Leafia - I’m wary as heck about P#25. I don’t care if she had given townleans left and right to other players; I am paranoid of getting townread. Having said that, nothing that she’d posted ringed any other bells in my head. I don’t know if she’s learned how to no longer be polarized, but I’m willing to townlean her.
Marluna - Not enough posts to form any read. I already expressed how the “townslip” of P#24 is NAI to me, and the only other post that piqued my interest was P#194, which made me realize that nothing really prevents us from becoming Strawberry after Neapolitan dies. (Since there’d be no use in staying as Vanilla, and being Chocolate would just lower your vote weight compared to all other Ice Creams.) ((Eh. Maybe I can give her a slight townlean.))
Magnus - Reading his (longer) posts is a pain, but not impossible. (It just takes me longer to translate his words into words that I can actually process in my head.) From what I see, there’s nothing that particularly makes me townread him or scumread him. (At least his presence is bigger than the other nulls…)
potatocat - Town. I forgot the exact details as to why I had her as townread in my mind, but then I checked her ISO and looked at her first post. Yeah, no. That ain’t coming from Mafia.
Camilleon15 - Yet to arrive. Null.
Creature - Chill guy. Dunno what his alignment is, but I’m pretty darn sure he ain’t dying until at least D4. (I’m townleaning him. I had a bad first impression, but he seems to be chill.)
Hippopablompoyeetus - NAI. Memelord. His first post:

tutuu - Town because of NUF tell.
I_like_posts - Dipped out after a showing their heads for a brief moment. Weird case of throwing arbitrary reads. Bad impression. Scumlean. Currently pressured by three votes. Need to check reaction. (Ugh. Waiting game.)
Chomps - Seems to be playing well. (Which, in itself is worrisome.) Admittedly, I’m probably influenced a lot by potatocat’s read (and vote) on Chomps. Looking at his ISO, I can’t find anything scummy. If I had to nitpick, then it’s just that he is too chill; it’s as if he has no fear of death. (I ain’t giving him credit for P#17 because (1) potatocat did it first, and (2) the actual sentence makes no sense to me.)