Leafia and Zone definitely lock town from Hippo’s interactions, not that they can get any townier than that
@potatocat Hippo wrote this post in reply to this post of yours:
Why didn’t you reprimand him for his attempt to ruin town’s plans, considering:
If I had to name one other downside to the current double-check method, then it would be the fact that we now have to take our fake results to account whenever we make our readslists.
True. We do.
I’m not picking up anything else from Hippo’s ISO. He mostly just flopped his belly and died
I wish he would’ve spewed more but it’s just as I thought. He was fully in antispew mode.
I peeked Camilleon15 vanilla and Magnus not vanilla
Favorite post of all time so far. Laughs
If I’m cop:
If I’m VT:
Even if you’re wrong Chomps that is a banger of a post. I fully support you making posts like that. Making reads can be a fun activity, see?
Willow and Neil’s slot have a higher than not chance of being town. The latter’s discourse throughout the day felt readily transparent and cohesive despite its sparsity, but the major point here is the final votes at EOD. Neil voted Marluna (who died, meaning there’s no credit to be garnered) whilst merely accepting Hippo’s wagon in turn. Of course, this isn’t clearing — leaping onto a wagon last moment is suspicious, so just standing clear evades that risk without drawing heat. However, Eliza did vote Chomps in a dramatic fashion without any explanation as to why, only to “seek credit” for Hippo’s death as soon as he jumped in despite merely unvoting — an infinitely worse position than how Neil left it.
Devil’s advocate, maybe Neil started shrieking at Eliza in their rolecard saying not to interfere after Eliza started acting up, but that degree of dissonance doesn’t feel characteristic from Neil’s other posts thusly. Perhaps Hippo’s poke was unscheduled, and Eliza didn’t feel she could justify it any longer… actually I’m rambling aloud to myself I can see it being evil but it doesn’t feel that way.
There’s a lot to think about now that we have a dead wolf.
It has occurred to me that being nigh-universally scumread also indicates functional immortality from both the execution and night death for however long until XELO so this is fine.

It has occurred to me that being nigh-universally scumread also indicates functional immortality from both the execution and night death for however long until XELO so this is fine.
Being universally scumread usually = execution. This is a villagery post nevertheless.
However, this isn’t a standard game. Consider the following scenario: Schrödinger’s box, my alignment can only be known to me and myself so well as the Neapolitan. Either I am the cop, or somebody else is — if an external player has investigated my alignment and found me evil, this should never be shared aloud until the second one is found; a trade is not optimal, just plant the information so that it never goes away.
In which case, I am not a safe execution even if it was 90% evident in all worlds that I was evil.
We only need 4 people to send for Chocolates today. I vote for: Tutuu, Leafia, Zone, with the last spot being either Chomps or I_like_posts. I think both are fine choices

In which case, I am not a safe execution even if it was 90% evident in all worlds that I was evil.
This isn’t true by any stretch of the imagination. Going by that logic, no one is a safe execution.