Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

This is interesting and noteworthy.
I’m not altogether sure what my conclusion is here, whether it’s extremely town- or scum-indicative that Creature emphasised a pairing for Camilleon with Potato specifically and whether that means there’s another pairing or whatever, or if it’s unpairing; I’m just putting a note here that it’s important somehow.



Day 3 Final VC

potatocat (5): Leafia, Zone_Q11, Chomps, Camilleon15, Magnus
I_like_posts (3): Creature, Frostwolf103, potatocat
Creature (1): I_like_posts

Not Voting (1): jail

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A mad rat got into the ice cream! While they couldn’t eat much, they did warm some of it up. potatocat was…


Night 3 begins, and will end at 2025-01-28T22:00:00Z.

If everyone wishes to nightskip, day will start early. Write /nightskip in your PM to do so.



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This topic was automatically opened after 2 hours.



Did no one die?

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We shouldn’t be talking yet I don’t think.

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do not talk yet


Chomps was blasted with the ultra heat ray, melting completely

Chomps was…

Day 4 begins and will end at 2025-01-30T22:00:00Z


Why is Chomps dead?

Wow. Chomps died. In hindsight, that makes Chomps’s first post hilareous. Laughs Two games in a row where someone unintentionally deadposted. Seriousness over now.

Well, now we know the consequence of posting before the host announces day start. You get melted.

Doc dodge, wolves in towncore or playing into town paranoia against the towncore

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Doc dodge is most likely I feel.

Who was tasked with strawberry last night?

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Just kill Zone if you’re doc-dodging this was silly.

Me. I protected Jail.