Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

women love willow

it/its and he/him mostly zzz (i also use some neos but idt its much relavent)

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Thanks for letting us know.

Day 1 Votecount 3

Hippopablompoyeetus (4): Leafia, tutuu, Zone_Q11, Chomps
Chomps (2): potatocat, Magnus

Not Voting (8): jail, childe, Frostwolf103, Marluna, Camilleon15, Creature, Hippopablompoyeetus, I_like_posts

oh thank god we’re not top wagon anymore

Time for me to head out due to RL now too. :sleepingleafeon:

neil made up for his crmes

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this convo probs wont go anywhere bc idr the read itself or why (and idt its valid to read esp since ive turned around a lot of my earlier reads internally) but vaguely acked and vaguely noted.

of course (i would like this post but i cannot)

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ngl i kinda think this setup would be blown wide open with the way cop checks are determined for tinyhunt setup zzz but thats another league of organization and you guys seem to like this “pooled” idea more.

odd message to put with your vote there???
“x isnt damning” “votes anyways”??
am i misinterpreting you here?

zzzz im not a wallposter despite my 5upper roots. im not going to change that for a game i joined on a whim as a meme…

I want it to be clear how confident I am on my read. I want to avoid a situation where people sheep me due to a misunderstanding of how confident I am

which actually i should probably posit my reads also zzz

other people

if name isnt listed i forgor u or have no thoughts or theyre too conflicted zzz
(tuutuu is probs the main one that comes to mind bc i just generally dont think ill be able to read him well at all and im kinda cautious bc of that)

i mean sure, but in reality, most people will just note that you Are voting rather than looking back to see what you said with it

People’s confidence matters to me a lot when I sheep others so I return the favor; it doesn’t cost me much to try to avoid miscommunications

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chomps in the first tier is a mistake and i dont know who i intended to place there so ermmmm oops.
one thing ive noticed is that the group w hippo/chomps/marluna/potato is kinda tangled in unpairing interactions so i’ll state i dont rlly have thoughts on hippo’s posts themself i dont really care about the wagon itself given site knowledge of player and then also if w! i can re-assess my own poe well.

tho id probs gth call hippo t off that but preflipping is lame

i guess reading this if i wanna squint i could say v!chomps makes zone more sus tho zzz (tee em aye)

ehhhh yolo lets vote a tr , keep it spicy
VOTE: zone_q11