Ice Cream Mafia - MAFIA VICTORY

Alright so:

Leafia is willing to bet the game on Zone and Magnus being town, right?

Zone is willing to bet the game on Leafia and Magnus being town, right?

Magnus, are you willing to bet the game on Leafia and Zone being town?

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I am pretty uninformed about everyone’s meta. I just want to make sure the reason you’re clearing each other isn’t just because you all pushed Hippo, because wolf bussing each other can be a real thing and Hippo seems very bussable.

Of course wolves can bus, that doesn’t mean it’s always going to be the first best outcome every time. Reinforcing the Hippo wagon after Tutuu solidified it, because of my push unto Chomps, there would’ve been ample opportunity to say “Hippo’s fighting this enough that I’m no longer convinced he’s town, I’m voting Chomps” and the latter would’ve died.

This was Hippo’s last message. Although it could’ve been theatre as a public apology, it asserts the preview that he wasn’t deliberately feigning distraction on the first day for the sake of dying and setting his teammates to look good.

Not the Leafia I know. In particular w!Leafia.
If her gameplay has improved to the point where she can bus her scumbuddies, then I don’t mind losing to her.

Leafia has been as locktown as Chomps since D2. Magnus only became locktown Today, but their image has been steadily improving since the beginning. (I just had paranoia of them being evil, but considering the current state of affairs, I can’t exactly afford to get paranoid.)

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I think you mean no longer convinced he’s wolf.

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So 100% confidence on Leafia but 90% confidence on Magnus?

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I would, although I would reevaluate insofar as checking my biases if Camille flips town.

All in all I am the weakest slot of these three, in my opinion.

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Leafia’s bussing history, in my recollection, is that she’ll sometimes stage fights with her teammates but would prefer keeping them alive if possible without compromising her own position.

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So what are we planning to do today? Tie between ILP and Camille and let it rand? Tie between them until someone decides to switch and hammer the other wagon?

Do you think Hippo was very saveable there if Leafia only planned to stage a fight?

Like I said, I can’t afford paranoia in this gamestate. The situation forced me to 100% trust Magnus.

Well I am kinda pressured into voting a wolf out today if you’re planning to execute me tomorrow when that would be game ending.

I say we let ILP die Today.
If they are Mafia, then the pelt is yours.
If they are Town, then I want you to be on Tomorrow’s (or the Day after’s) chopping block.

Here were the votes thirteen minutes to EOD.
Granted you wouldn’t want to flip ship necessarily that close, but it goes to demonstrate the wagons weren’t quite so stark as the final VC might implicate.

That doesn’t excuse on hypnosis that Potatocat’s wagon is pure, most of what you ‘townread’ are on that wagon, I am vocal because I read her posts and it is a simple deduction that she is not mafia. My evidence got ignored. So from Creature from I have gathered, there’s at least one deep wolf between yourself, Zone and Magnus.

Executing him tomorrow would be a grave mistake, I am however confident that I_Love_Posts flips W over Camillieon15

ILP/Camilleon is the easiest world, but I don’t feel good about it. Why would they kill Chomps last night?

I kinda expected wolf!Camilleon to just self-hammer here, and not harddefend me (unless she’s planning to spew me as her wolf partner).

ILP seems less towny than Camilleon. Honestly expected neil to be a lot louder here.

Remember there are two wolves.
If Cameron is town-aligned, irrespective of the fact of whether Neil or Creature is also evil, there would need to be a second evil.

My question for everyone voting elsewhere, my question is where is the second evil? This is my reason for voting Camille at all, by virtue of the fact there’s no space in my readlist for it to be anyone else.

If they are town this is what we do:

We try to land a save tonight: Leafia strawberries, we elect someone to go chocolate and place a backup save just incase.

If it doesn’t happen and it’s 4v2, we sleep and force wolves to bring it to 3v2 (nightkill is mandatory).

I hope by 3v2 there are fewer wolf candidates and I can probably try to risk a cross with someone. Just don’t snapvote me out.
