Ice Cream Mafia - Night 5 (6/14)

VOTE: childe


Day 2 Votecount 1

childe (3): tutuu, Leafia, jail
jail (2): Chomps, Zone_Q11

Not Voting (7): childe, Frostwolf103, Magnus, potatocat, Camilleon15, Creature, I_like_posts



You are so cute


This all you have to say?

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I just got onto the website chill out lol

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Surely you must’ve read up before posting though?

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Going to head off to order pizza from Pizza Hut. I’m hungry after all. Good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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Good night :sleepingleafeon:

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@Marluna Good job on eating the NK

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I scrolled through it if that counts

and don’t expect me to respond to everything at once lol

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childe (3): tutuu, Leafia, jail
jail (2): Chomps, Zone_Q11

Not Voting (7): childe, Frostwolf103, Magnus, potatocat, Camilleon15, Creature, I_like_posts

VOTE: jail

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europeans wake up :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

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I peeked Creature vanilla and Magnus not vanilla. I typed a post about not finding the case on Hippo convincing tbh. I never finished it which is for the best.




I outright missed the section of Hippo’s ISO where he tried swaying dissent against me specifically. This wasn’t realistically with the aim of getting me executed, but it might’ve helped to discredit Chomps’ wagon at the time and emphasised minor doubt in the minds of his opponents. Hippo was frustrated that nobody was responding to him, hence why he shut down near EOD until he very nearly lived. Voting me with several long hours before EOD could also readily explain the unwillingness to self-preserve with a vote against Chomps; it wasn’t a double bait or else you’d probably vote Chomps early, then unvote later to create a “tangible” bind between you both. With this in mind, the connection between Chomps and Hippo looks bad. Wagons could’ve been W/W.

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If this was a scripted theatre arrangement Hippo would’ve had a more direct reaction planned, I’d have expected — or at least something ready to share. This line is so acceding it reads the opposite, like Hippo didn’t want to risk clarifying one way or another whether they could be paired or not. It’s overly vague without the puppet convection you’d expect.

. . .
@jail @Chomps
What checks did you have if you were Neapolitan?

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Zone_Q11 Jail Childe
Frostwolf Leafia Magnus
Potato Camilleon Creature
Tutuu <3Posts Chomps
(Slots whose interactions I think look good or bad with the hindsight of Hippo’s flip, of those I’ve checked.)

Jail and <3Posts interaction at the latter’s queries in (#327) is outwardly curious. It’s passive questioning followed by a loose townlean and then random questioning about Chomps’ slot. The follow-up post is written like a defence for Leafia, but this post itself feels the opposite.

Jail does vote Chomps later, but by that time it’s a bad situation all around if they’re evil: vote Hippo late and look opportunistic, vote Chomps and act defending. The latter feels more credit-affirming if Chomps is evil, but if town… I mean, there’s not really any good way out here. Jail certainly did feel frustrated over this…

The stumble over unvoting Chomps and then backstepping as soon Eliza voted, as though realising “wait I might want to be on this” is spectacular, though. In fact, Jail just wanted credit overall — this sequence is super bizarre otherwise. This was really the only outcome where Jail could jump onto Hippo’s wagon and warrant any positive attention out of it, hypothetically speaking.

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VOTE: Jail.
This is just the voice I’m choosing to steal for the moment, don’t mind me.

I’ll post later at eod it does support my current thoughts

Im cop since town wants to make themselves lose the game