I'll Catch You - Gamethread - Mafia Victory

Not sure you realized, but you have to ping the host account when you do that too. Now to head off a bit until I get hime.

Hi, good morning, sorry for sleeping past daystart. I’m self-confirming myself as town.

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Leafia’s going out of her way to provide material on herself with which to be read, indicating giddiness and excitement. I would say that Otter’s playing this game like a turbo, but she’s just trying to leave the game quickly, claiming to be evil in the process…

If Otter was good and Leafia was evil, with the former playing loosely and the latter trying to make herself look good, it’s realistically more likely than not that Leafia just accepts the offer quickly. I suppose trust falls can’t be rescinded so there’s a reason to stall, but that feels like an edge case.

Someone’s just opening the game casually, which feels normative but not something I can really read into so early.

Bionic claiming evil doesn’t feel alignment indicative.

Magnus is me.

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I take back what I said about the W/V commentary. The trust fall mightn’t have been valid in either case, or at least Leafia wouldn’t have thought so. But the hosts probably would’ve taken them anyway since the intention was there.

I sure love claiming a role that doesn’t exist in this game (therefore im claiming evil)

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I claim Village Idiot who saw you as such.

I’m the sober village idiot i saw leafia as evil


That just means we’re in a counterclaiming thunderdome.

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This clearly means we should trustfall immediately


Sounds like a great idea. Imagine joining a week-long game only to quit immediately.


So true


/trust @Magnus

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wait i gotta ping host

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/trust @Magnus


I’m weighing competitive advantage against comedy right now.

You can trust me get that early exit and watch the chaos

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I would never decieve someone in a mafia game

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/Reciprocate @Bionic’s Trust.

My legacy is that Bionic is town and we are both village idiots (compassionate).


Good luck to the rest of you, though.

@Bionic has left the game!

They were...

Mr. Worldwide

Abilities: You have no special abilities.
Win condition: You win when the Mafia outnumbers you within a week.

@Magnus has left the game!

They were...

Evil Mr. Worldwide

Abilities: At any time during the game, you may talk with your partner on Discord.
Win condition: You win when both members of the Mafia have left the game or when Town does not lose majority within a week.