I'll Catch You - Gamethread - Mafia Victory

my point has been proven

Her dress is three times bigger than her body

I think you mean her mental block

i always feel like a creep whenever may posts one of those characters bc i always think theyre cute but also

the obvious


They’re cute and appealing! My friend has a podcast about it!

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May made an excellent point about them

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Specifically the game’s tagline is “a blend of cute and appealing anime girls with classical Japanese mahjong” and we’ve memed it to hell and back. But it’s true. They’re cute and appealing.


you can think something is cute without being attracted to it

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Wait are they all underage or some shit?

…this happened when i had a major eating disorder in 2022

god I hate anime logic sometimes

Some of them are underage and it’s bad. This one is questionable

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it. might be a similar thing.


i know!

it’s just a lot harder to ignore the voices in my head calling me weird for it when theyre dressed and posed like that


I probably have a mental eating disorder from not eating

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the voices are stupid.


naw those dont exist

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its fine

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denai is bad

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