Jail - Mafia Victory

Correct and you get a slim townlean from me for pointing this out.

doublechecked and yup

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who up townhunting

ooo hunt me :3

Then how tf is this possible

I wonā€™t lie. When I first s as w Jailā€™s post, I thought they were the host due to the name.


cuz like wouldnt town win before this is possible

No idea.

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leafia seems to be leafiaing quite nicely, leafia are u town ?

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It feels like Someone could be town to me so far this game because those sound like the sorts of questions that wolves would ask in wolfchat before the game begins.

Yup. I am.

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oh wait

i think the ā€œmafia could maj someoneā€ is like, a soft vote lock, thatā€™d be my interpretati

hi chat im town we can all prove this by freeing me from jail!!! VOTE: icet

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like if its 3v2 and a townie misvote the game ends even if its not vote lock

i believe u VOTE: Icet

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did that work
it did based

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I think I might know who Jail is an alt of too.

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mafia can do this to get majority with 2-3

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