Jail - Mafia Victory

That’s Childe?

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that is childe

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Ah neat.

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why am i sus over other options

Heading out for now. :sleepingleafeon:

D1 Votecount 2

Kanave (3): eaves, jail, Kanave
Bionic (3): pandora, Bionic, Leafia
IcetFeelsPain (1): IcetFeelsPain
beancat (1): Hippopablompoyeetus

Not Voting (3): childe, Someone, beancat

Hi hi hi
Turns out moving out is hard

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This is random and weird and i dislike it


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I said it’s ‘crazy’ because of the juxtaposition between me and Hippo, not because I’m considered null. And if you think it’s so absurd that someone will impose themself as town without posting much then you can just say that instead of asking a question that I think is also a ‘nothingburger,’ which is what I’m scumreading you for

Hola amigos (this means hello friends in spanish)

I sensed you were town and a good person to free from jail d1

Why do you dislike it when you know my sense is correct?

This game seems quite quiet

What we should do is worldbuild as leafia lock mafia and see where it takes us

Anyone around?

Fine guess ill have to do some work and not procastinate on this game smh :triumph:

You literally shouldn’t. The best choice is to build around you being lockwolf.

Hi I just woke up