Jail - Mafia Victory

Im leaning towards me being wrong about someone tbh, I think mafia would kill me if team is exactly leafia/someone

This is never said by a villager I think.

tHaT iS nEVer SAid bY a ViLLagER i dONt tHInk.

Ok mafia

Leafia how can you still pretend a scumread on me when i was only one who raised like 10 times that bionic was acting booky

I would’ve killed you last night regardless of if I was a wolf or not. Nice try though. I think you killed Jail because you were afraid he’d reeval on you. Also, I’d never push that hatd for a partner to be released and you’re the main reason why I pushed so hard for Bionic’s release so you’re the outed wolf here.

Wtf how would you have killed me if you werent a wolf?

You also said that you were fine with Bionic being released by the end and even TMIed his wolf flip in a way when you urged Jail to hammer Bionic.

Oops. I meant regardless of who my partner was if I was a wolf. My bad.

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I said i was fine with 20 mins till EoD cuz i didnt want it to draw as then mafia decide

I spent the other 43 hours 40 minutes saying to not vote Bionic

*47 hours 40 minutes

Ever heard of distancing? You only acted like that to get people to think you were a villager so that you could push your wolfy agenda. You barely even tried to stop people from voting Bionic.

Yes i did i said it multiple times but no one listened

You said it only a couple of times that you were wary about Bionic being released. You never once tried to actively stop it from happening.














And then with 20 mins to go i give up cuz people i townread were on bionic and i didnt want it to draw

Slightly more than a couple of times

This is not an attempt to stop Bionic from being released.

Neither is this.

This isn’t even calling Bionic wolfy. In fact, I’d say it’s calling Bionic villagery.

Still not an attempt to stop Bionic from being released.

Extremely far from even calling Bionic a wolf.

This doesn’t even mention Bionic even once.

Still not an attempt to get people to reconsider on Bionic.

Did you even make a single attempt to stop Bionic from being released at this point?

Guessing you didn’t at this point.

Total number of attempts to stop Bionic from being released in all that: 0

To not clog up thread I wont bother responding to much to you and will let people make up own minds. Sorry, not trying to be rude but I think its in your interest to derail thread into me vs you so your buddy eventually sneaks into jail.

I know you are mafia, everything that happened yesterday points to it, your random switch to Bionic over IceT, your oddly formed start of day reads (mainly on someone), dismissal of my push by wifoming me all day, and now youre refusal to reeval your “read” in light of bionic flip.

I wont clog thread going back and forth with you - if town think you are town then we deserve to lose.

Wrong. Everything points towards you being mafia, not me.

I literally always go about my reading in that way regardless of alignment and by the time I started pushing for Bionic’s release, it was too late to release anyone other than him or Kanave and you know it.

Frankly, if town is tricked into thinking that you’re a villager and I’m a wolf, we deserve to lose to you wolves.