Jail - Mafia Victory

@Eddie @Zugzwang @Garfooled hammer

Agreed 100%. This game needs me in it to stop Hippo from controlling things.

No youā€™re not. Youā€™re looking like a villager but itā€™s far from impossible for you to be a wolf and I feel it likely that one of you is a wolf. Why else would the two of you be so eager to be released?

If I had known that Bionic was a wolf I wouldā€™ve been pushing for your release.

No itisnā€™t. It looks super paired with Hippo.

Shall we trust the guy who didnā€™t do a thing to stop Bionic from being released and wants everyone to think he did and did nothing else but call someone a wolf and wants to speedrun the releases or the Leafeon that is paranoid about getting another wolf released and is solidly in her townmeta? Thatā€™s a better question Hippo.

Yeah, ypu could be right about that. VOTE: Kanave

Impossible and he doesnā€™t sound dead. Hippo is super obvious wolf.

Hippo isnā€™t villagery in the slightest while Iā€™m oozing villageriness.

Yes we are.

Weā€™re absolutely never flipping Beancat though.

Let me come up with an order to releases that Iā€™m fairly sure will win the game for town. Feel free to reeval if necessary.

Kanave, Someone, Ice, Pandora, Eaves.

Now Iā€™m reasonably confident that order could have the best chance of town winning.

Hammer has been reached.

D2 Final Votecount:

Kanave (5): Hippopablompoyeetus, IcetFeelsPain, Kanave, eaves, childe
Someone (1): Leafia

Not Voting (3): Someone, beancat, pandora

You have 5 minutes, (until 2024-05-08T16:30:00Z) to report any errors, in your rolecards.

Day 2 has ended, and @Kanave has escaped Jail!

She was...

Vanilla Town

Abilities: You have no special abilities, only your voice and your vote.
Win condition: You win when you have parity with the Mafia.

Night 2 begins now, and ends at 2024-05-09T20:00:00Z.

Nightskip is available. If all living players vote to skip night in their rolecard, Day 3 will begin early.


A clarification on the following rule:

If there are 2 mafia alive, and the Mafia could majority a Mafia member (which would instantly win for Mafia), the game will be declared a Mafia Win. Votes will not be locked at any point during the game.

Suppose Zugzwang and Garfooled were Mafia, and catbae, Eliza, Atlas, and May were town.

If, for example, the following is the the votecount, at any point during the day:

Catbae (3) - Zugzwang, Garfooled, Eliza
Zugzwang (2) - May, Atlas

Not voting (1) - catbae

The game would immediately be declared a Mafia win, because Zugzwang and Garfooled could switch their votes to Zugzwang, which would hammer Zugzwang and win the game for Mafia.



Day 3 starts now, and ends 2024-05-11T20:00:00Z.



This topic was automatically opened after 67 minutes.


Enjoy life out of jail Ice

So Ice is likely Hippoā€™s partner. See how thereā€™s no hesitation in Hippoā€™s posts? Those arenā€™t the posts of a villager. Whereā€™s the uncertainty Hippo? How can you be 100% certain that everyone in your list are villagers? A villager can never be so certain. VOTE: Someone

Enjoy being released Someone.

Because you and Someone are the mafia team

Leafia choose anyone other than Someone and I will sheep your vote

No weā€™re not.

Fine. Pandora then. VOTE: Pandora
