Kaguya-sama: Love is War Mafia - Game Over - Town & Hitman Win

No. Only in certain games.

still here and reading

I guess I’m just not on your level

How interesting. Want to kill achro?

old cat i get it good one

i dont know


bet you were reading some cringe manga

That’s not what I’m saying at all. I have articulated my gameplan multiple times and you seem to not be aware of it.

Think fast then.

his last post is literally designed to get me to not be able to follow through
he can no longer talk back
he has claimed his role
plus the ate
it’s like fucking marl poison

Lol thinks you’re sleepposting apparently Marl and I think Kanave is a far better exe than Achro at this point.


Isn’t that more reason to kill him?


reasons to kill achromatic:

i was told to do it

with you voting achro votes are tied.
It’s worth a shot.

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Do you believe it

Higher chance of being a hit and a v!Kanave flip would hurt a lot less than a v!Achro flip if the one we flip happens to be a villager.

Sorry, I suppose I’m too senile to understand