King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

we don’t like the new one!!


oh also augustin was closeted trans and she had total gender envy for hope and ophelia
which might explain some weird interactions


this post from hazard was a super funny coincidence


i was just about to quote that and say it brought the idea into my mind

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all of these losers doing espionage to try and destabilize the kingdom when the king was perfectly capable of doing that himself


she wasnt trying to destabilise the kingdom she was just trying to not be a boy
be gay do crime etc etc


women inherently destabilize the kingdom. welcome to KoTC 3: no women version


she spoke strongly about how noblemen are bound to their duties to the people and the ninth and with the frequent unconscious undertones of desparately wishing she could escape it


If you just died like a normal person Eveyrhing would be solved
Instead you cut off your arm
I can’t change my nature

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King Litten had a faith route where he could amass the best inquisition ever


ooc the moment I realize I can’t win I just go full Baron and patrician win con



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Ophelia is reading in a smoking room, in a red velvet chair. The window is open, and a wooden perch for small, flightful animal stands next to her chair.

She looks down, placing her finger on one of the lines. “…” The printing press was good when used for better preservation, but the whole ‘large scale death of the kingdom’s former monarch’ does make a few lines come out smudged.

The explaination of the ‘Frog King’ being spread around is certainly annoying propaganda, but King Litten, as noble as the real one was perceived by Ophelia, is a frighteningly scary and interesting villain. Propagandists do make for surprisingly good writers.

She places the book on a side table, standing up and stretching, and walking over to the window. Peering out the window at the sign she put up, when her servants refused to help her, herself, Ophelia mumbles “I wonder…”

Krueger Home for Disgraced and Current Nobles


In other news, I found a reasltical picture of the chair I would sit in in the council meetings


Twelve feet below the throne room…

Baron Wilhelm Marzipan the Second sighed. “Where did we go wrong?” he asked his brothers. “This is terrible.”

“Well, maybe we would’ve succeeded in our scheme if you had actually helped instead of sitting there doing nothing,” Wilhelm the Third snapped.

“What? I could care less about the scheme,” Wilhelm II replied.

“What is it, then?” Wilhelm IV asked, scratching his head.

“We’re out of bean dip!” Wilhelm II groaned. “How could we let such a crucial thing slip? What am I going to eat now?”

“Nothing,” Three said tersely. “You’ll starve here in this abandoned dungeon because of the tragic loss of your dip. Joe will take your position on the council, and we’ll mourn you for all of three seconds before turning our attention to freeing our homeland from the Ashmedians.”

“No need to be so fussy, Jonathan,Two sniped back, using his brother’s pseudonym. “The kingdom will be fine. The dip, on the other hand…”

“Stop arguing!” Four groaned. “We need to work together to retake the kingdom.”

“Like that was going to happen anyways,” Two sighed. “The pigeons won’t fly, and I don’t blame them when Ashmedian war hawks rule the skies. How are going to rally the troops when we’re trapped in the palace?”

“I think I have a solution,” Four said hesitantly. “Joe, come in.”

A messenger (Joe) arrived. “Excuse me, milords,” he bowed. “But we in the messenger corps have been working to send a message out of this castle ever since pigeon mail went down.”

He reached into a large bag and withdrew a massive birdcage. Inside perched a bird with a white, heart shaped face.

“May I present: Duo, the messenger owl.”


(Barons Marzipan of the House of Squirrel will be fighting for freedom from our cruel Ashmedian oppressors)

(They will also be trying to get more bean dip)


game of thrones has nothing on King of the Castle 2: Litten is King


Put a lot of effort into this meme about the game. Hope you guys like it :sweat_smile:.