Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

why nya

looking through Bionic’s ISO only this stands out to me:

which feels slightly towny because it’s a bit of an offbeat thought

for Hippo, I had liked his earlier posts, but reading them again idk why

ok wolf number 2


I dont want to be voted here, like

stop being a liability, look at the top 2 votes, there is no world where zug and I are both evil

My votes are fine, Tutuu.

I don’t think you and zug are both evil

Then its impossible to go for the win

since both of us are top votes

I just got done saying the team is Kii, Hippo, Marluna lol

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That won’t stop me from trying

I’m willing to hear a case on it but it’d have to be pretty convincing
though I do already agree Kii is probably a wolf

VOTE: Zug VOTE: Someone VOTE: SirDerpsAlot

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Ok Kii is no longer on the block

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VOTE: Hippo
VOTE: Marluna

@Zugzwang Can we not have SDA in the top 3, because like wtf is this

There’s one problem, Kiiruma hasn’t been voting Marluna and Hippo at first

Thats all he have to bring it up.

The one thing I have off the top of my head is hippo putting Marluna in their list PINGED tf outta me and my gut screams that’s w/w but I should be on my pc soon and can see if I have the motivation to make a case

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“lets go for 3 town”
“puts top 3 scum”
