Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Don’t let them know that’s the secret


in a normal game I think I’d be less tinfoily
but that’s mainly because in a normal game, it’s not possible to lose D2 - if we miseliminate D2 there’s no immediate loss, whereas here the mafia can guess all the masons at any time

also the reason I’m not super tinfoily in some xylos (ex: Stratagem 15) is because there’s a whole game of evidence

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VOTE: marluna VOTE: kiiruma VOTE: ash

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automated post

oh. yeah I just started this up and this was still in range I guess


Can you explain your progression on Kii, Hippo, and Ash this game?

actually ngl reading your ISO I have no idea who you think is mafia…

so. @Marluna can you give a full reads list (with at least some explanations)

@Someone liking this post :flushed:


Somebody does have to be mafia…

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Tutuu is very convincing


are you mafia

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ngl that has got to be alignment indicative (in a general non-person-specific way)

but also I don’t have the stats on that

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But like how, who tf ever says yes

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except me sometimes

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a lot of people jokingly say yes


oh naw I never jokingly say yes

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I used to claim mafia a lot when I first started playing
I had to stop doing it though, because it was a wolftell

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Its no or whatever the last botc game was

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wolftell specifically for me*

I would claim mafia more as mafia

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