Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

pocketed :flushed:

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ngl I have an idea…

Yeah he does that it freaks me out and I try not to and he still does it

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idk nobody else can do that its so nuts

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paranoia usually helps me not get pocketed

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POST joycat (idk if this is case sensitive)

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automated post

shocked that worked ngl

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what language did you code it in btw?

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“how would posts be automated”



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after the game I might leave this running in the cookie thread on @joycat

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python is so versatile its nuts

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library up here btw

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insane library
writes code for you

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ok anyway I can stop flooding the thread with posts here
I am kinda disappointed that everyone I still want to get a better read on isn’t here tho thbthbthtbhtbhtbhtbh

very cool

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2400th post gets a cookie

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