Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

btw you should fix your votes (you added an extra a in Kiiruma so it’s counted seperately)

Derps is gonna be frothing at the mouth if this is 2/3 and his Day 1 Hippo / Kii / Marluna team is still alive

VOTE: Unvote

Wait how do I unvote

[unvote] tags

though, you don’t need to unvote before placing new votes

yeah idk what that means. its telling I have never unvoted someone on this site I always just switch to someone else lmao

VOTE: Kirruma
VOTE: Marluna

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this is still spelled wrong but in a different way

VOTE: Kiiruma
VOTE: Marluna

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oh also you can use parts of the name to not type out the full thing

as long as only one player’s name has that substring it will work correctly

so I can vote Kiiruma by voting Kii

you can also vote mpoy to vote yourself

VOTE: Kii VOTE: luna VOTE: ash

idk I do think this will be a 1 but its to late now to change votes

Who do you think it is if you think this is a one? What are your thoughts on me and my sus of you?

Also what do you think of my animated pfp

is it animated?

Yes but it is super subtle, the hippos belly grows and shrinks but I feel no one has noticed so I must bring it to public attention

I just dont see what is making ash or marluna sus

ngl I thought it was a bird :skull:

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its the hippo from Madagascar edited onto a renassiance painting of the Greek hero Hippolytus :sob: