Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Is this just Kiiruma-Marluna-Guava?

Guava I have pointed out many contradictions and bad progression from Kii
they are not hard to find

So far we know mafia has had a 1 and then a 0.

This means that they have 1 Mason (Prob between 3)
And 2 Masons (Prob between 3)

If they’re playing it optimally.

The chances of hitting it perfectly would be a 1/3 x 2/3 x 1/2 = 2/18 = 1/9.

yall stop tryin to read for a second and do the combinatorics for me

I mean if you really think it’s Kiiruma let’s prove it right here right now

VOTE: Kiiruma

This is 0/1 wolves

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Guava who do u think mafia in in Ash/kii/marl


Clearly Ash/Marluna based on the previous post lol

that is unbelievable

Guava is a wolf

if they’re shooting completely randomly which they have no reason to, id like to give them the respect that they can socially hunt for the masons and narrow it down further. like we have been doing for the wolves

Bro is openwolving.

I mean it’s correct, so not hard to believe.

Then vote me :man_shrugging:t2:

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Yet it’s done a lot of good for us, hasn’t it?
When only 1 player who’s not me can actually realise the truth lmao.

VOTE: Kiiruma
VOTE: Marluna
VOTE: Guava

VOTE: Marluna VOTE: Kiiruna

VOTE: Gauva
VOTE: Marluna

Also. Read Ash’s ISO and then explain how a Marluna/Ash + not Kii team makes any sense
Ash would be hard townsiding, and trying to clear a wolfy town member for 0 reason