Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Don’t give in to Zug, when you’re literally the 2nd person who’s bothered to accept the truth about me.

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Clearly town will always agree with me

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I meant I want to show the reasons that I haven’t mentioned in thread much/at all

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go ahead

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Tutu why do you think kii is town

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I look forward to seeing it because all I know is it’s wrong so this’ll be funny.
Let me quickly get my popcorn.

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frost town
marluna mafia
kii/ash not w/w

these are the 3 reads that i wanna hold onto

zug convinced me otherwise he’s mafia now

I did for the briefest moment last night consider kii town ash mafia but I forgot to look at ash more in depth

I agree frost town


Look if yall wanna lose the game this foolishly, do you wanna send Ash solo today?
Surely from yalls PoV that’s going to be a 0 and it’ll eliminate the worlds down to 6!

Then you can look at spew between myself and Marluna who are clearly both evil together.
For sure.


Cool, then we’re agreeing about the fact that it’s a stupid plan and we should be going for a 50/50 split rn?

No I wanna win rn

Oh my GOD please don’t be doing this shit.
You and Frost are going to cost us the game so damn hard lmao

we still need to find the 1 town between kii/ash/marluna

apart from the wolf in the other group

im telling u guys this game hard af :sob:

who the fuck is the town


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If we followed my wanting to win strat we would’ve had 2/3 D1 idk man

Ash like probably the town their

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If we followed your wanting to win strat we would’ve had 1/3 (Maybe 2/3) IDK mate.