Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

I will note this for future games.
Will say that town Frost aligns with what I remember from his D1 posting.


(in fact he was trying to keep them the same after a certain point)

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I did tell you about that

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yeah I was just looking at other people and then forgot to go through your ISO

also btw why did you switch from thinking it’s more likely W!Kii over W!Ash early today?

or were you voting them just to narrow down possibilities

Wagonmatics with Marluna

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*switch to thinking

And now I think about it, its not Someone anymore.

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why not? Also who is it then

Both Marluna and Kiiruma did vote Someone here

So its unlikely Someone is mafia that way

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I have been focusing bit too much on Ash/Marluna/Kiiruma that I am looking through their votes, I better disconnect Marluna/Someone as pair

I believed at first that Marluna is sowing confusion on EoD1 by putting one mafia in the mix when he voted Someone among Beancat and Zugzwang, instead of Derps included.

However looking through the links if Kiiruma and Marluna are suspected to be wolves and vote their fellow mafia Someone, that doesn’t make sense to me.

But looks like mafia did intend to go for 0/3 D1

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Assuming this is because you’re assuming W!Kii and saying that Kii and Marluna wouldn’t be voting Someone while Kii is a wagon?

The link shows Someone is a bigger wagon than Kiiruma at the time on D1

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yeah ngl Frost is town nya nya nya

(this is partially my own read and partially sheeping Tutuu)



Frost tell zug im town

Reminder to not get bored. Dont make decisions out of getting bored. Stagnant wagons are ok, this is our logical solve that we agreed on

