Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

(and remember, if you are town here it is your job to show it, not to go “haha you put me in jail therefore we will all lose”

I also rarely understand the thought process but tonally I just don’t think it’s frost at all

My progression would probably be pretty non existent anyway LOL
I tend to be very stubborn and not change my reads very much past like day 2
Not always the case ofc but like usually

I am not spoonfeeding you my two cents, Hippo.

I gave you my solve, if you can’t handle yourself then you may wanna sheep.

Have you attempted to consider that Kii is not town

that is literally ur job to spoonfeed town why you are town

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At least I am happy you are putting yourself on thunderdome with Tutuu if that’s your solve.

Oh it’s not my solve but if you’re scum I think the game’s already lost because enough people refuse to vote there

You have to be so greedy -_-

Check my ISO, don’t question my logic just read the posts so you can put yourself on conclusion.

@guavagudetama have you taken the time and considered the implications of a W!Kii world?

While I won’t switch to vote Tutuu anytime soon, but you bring yourself in more positive light than you were before.

I know you have for W!Marluna cuz that’s what you believe but have you considered what it would implicated if Kii is mafia

After reading Guavas mafia iso in this game I have concluded I am not very good at mafia and I can’t tell if theyre the same or not

They don’t seem particularly different tbh

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Is EOD today?

I feel like w!Kiiruma doesn’t make either of the other two more or less likely to be scum
tutuu and Frost both weren’t like super paired or super unpaired with Kiiruma or Marluna imo but maybe I’m missing something

I think so

This is like…a pretty bizarre post. Esp knowing that it is actually 1/3.

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overexplain keeping ash vote on looks weird…again this is a 1/3 (d1)

@Hippopablompoyeetus How about try different, instead of reading ISO you read wagonmatics.

You know there’s two hits on Day 2 between Ash/Kiiruma/Marluna right
Then there’s only one hit by Day 3 with Kiiruma/Marluna/Yourself (Hippo)

Right? I don’t have to explain myself that Ash is 100% done for.
You are cleared from Day 3, Kiiruma want to put themselves in the wagon and I don’t see a wolf doing that.

Which leaves now up to Guava/Tutuu/myself

What part of my thought process do you not understand?

Okay I was gonna send my most recent town game for comparison but I have to preface

Ritaul Mafia V is NOT my normal town game because someone (not the person named Someone) made this game abysmal for me but I’m sending it anyway for like posterity or whatever

And then here’s my most recent normal town game (except I was on my alt, CaptainSyrup)