Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Like this can’t be implying what you think it is

Whoa holy shit, did you actually think I am distancing Kiiruma? What was my first suggestion to vote Day 3?

No I don’t think you’re distancing you’re the one who said that

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I’m so confused why did you say that :skull_and_crossbones:

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are you trolling


I think the pressure is getting to him LOL

Hint: #3072 is start of Day 3

That was #3180

#3346 This is the vote to swtich Kiiruma to Ash

#3389 is that I am not buding to change into Kiiruma, however as for Someone…


(While unrelated to player Someone again, but the fact I am putting myself on Ash and determines the side between Kiiruma and Ash)

Explained it to you @Zugzwang

So after Ash/Marluna/Someone I have re-evaluated the wagonmatics on Someone, that’s in no way mafia thinking alike. @Zugzwang

So lets say I am going to believe Kiiruma he’s not pairing or distancing from me.

I believed Hippo is town despite being misguided.

I am aware of the possible worlds.

No really, I am well aware of the possibilities.

I am being blunt.

sounds like you smoked a blunt.

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Allow me to flip flop your head again.

Damn you got me

(Just kidding aside, I never smoke)


I don’t like people pretending not knowing whats going on

They’re not pretending you’re acting like day 1 Someone

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Unlike you, I re-evaluate about Someone.


So in what part did you re-evaluate Tutuu?

I don’t see how my read on Someone is relevant I was saying he wasn’t making any sense on day 1 and you’re not making any sense rn