Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Yeah but I’m voting all 3 too risky to push with me they’d just be fucked

You’ll see, Derps.
I’m just going with the flow atm since rn we don’t have results.
So I’m not too fussed whether we’re going for 3 town / 3 wolves rn.
Ideally we’d hit 3 wolves, but statistically we’re more likely to hit 3 town.

That’s just reality.

Can you vote for yourself hippo and Marluna then

They wont “push with you” they will use your vote to get one of them in the 3rd slot

Then they’d out themselves

Town, ???, ???
That’s not exactly a helpful trio in any way

Wolf, wolf, wolf

Possibly wolf town town but my gut says hippo Marluna paired idk

why are you so confident tho tbh

I spent the whole first day yelling at everyone to have confidence

Anyone who’s played with me more than like once should be painfully aware of my overconfidence at any given point

Lmao this is a good joke.
Nice one, you should start a comedy routine.

I’m not wolf, people are just seemingly incapable of reading me except Guava.

Hippo and Marluna probs same alignment so I still think their a good pair

Eh thats fine, first get first serve attitude.

well I can admit that, given what I’ve seen…

I wouldn’t hate them both being tested as they’ve been pretty nothing slots for me when it comes to reads.

But I feel like Frost / Bionic have been wolfy. And guava during discussions of 3 Wolf teams seemed to think Ash was a decent shout too.

Bionic and ash town sorry kii

I would be honored going to naughty jail every day, because obviously I am wolfier than the wolfs.

People don’t learn apparently.

oh I never moved my votes

VOTE: Someone
VOTE: SirDerps

You could be good but you and Bionic have been the ones pinging me the most weirdly idk