Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

UNVOTE for now for better VC

Idk its a pretty fair bus atp, and I think someone being in their is to try to push someone being evil over Kii world

VOTE: kiiruma
VOTE: hippo
VOTE: guava

@Someone join us

If Kii is wolf zug is clear, he put himself into the vote pool while Kii was still a large person intended to be voted, almost 100% not w/w due to that

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Kiiruma (6): Ash, Frostwolf103, SirDerpsAlot, Hippopablompoyeetus, tutuu, Zugzwang
Someone (5): Kiiruma, Marluna, guavagudetama, Frostwolf103, Someone
guavagudetama (5): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Hippopablompoyeetus, tutuu, Zugzwang
Zugzwang (4): Kiiruma, Marluna, Ash, Someone
Hippopablompoyeetus (4): SirDerpsAlot, Hippopablompoyeetus, tutuu, Zugzwang
SirDerpsAlot (3): Ash, Bionic, Someone
Marluna (2): Marluna, SirDerpsAlot
Ash (2): guavagudetama, Bionic
Frostwolf103 (1): guavagudetama
Bionic (1): Bionic

Not Voting (1): beancat

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what i further dont agree with is why are we going for a 2/3 instead of a 0/3

0/3 is much easier and if we get scum out of our consensus 3 top town it gives us room to re-eval

Can you explain this choice of yours?
Cuz it doesn’t make sense to me.

(On the others at least I see some logic behind them.)

just to inform yall, this is probably a post I dont come up with as a wolf (I always stuggled to have real thoughts that had any depth to them as wolf)

Want win

i concur

I talked about why I think Kii is paired w/ Bionic earlier

basically, the opening post + the way Kii has been treating Bionic tracks with W!Kii being annoyed at W!Bionic for not playing the game

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we tried but hippo and sda insisted on voting their scumread kii, as for frostwolf im not sure what’s his read on kii but he didnt wanna move either. ash idk whats his read too

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with the fact I wouldnt make that post as a wolf or that Kii/zug not w/w or both

we’re realistically not going to win d1 or d2 for that matter

what our best bet is rn is PoE 0/3, and wishful thinking is just gonna uddy up things

Someone being so insistent to stay top 3 is actually kinda sus

well i think we have enough voting power here to stop that

@everyone in thread do me a favor, could yall unvote

i’d rather do this as well but considering that was not working I decided to compromise

They havent commented on our concerns at all

Yeah probably not, but that dosent mean I dont want to, I always play to win and I win by killing wolves