Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

The only thing that Marluna did that was somewhat wolfy or at least kinda bad a little was asking if you CC them because like, she never claimed a specific role so there is never gonna be a CC lol, it would just be another PR claim.

Plus I think you already know because I repeated this all before but the CC was directed specially at you and then the mention of PRā€™s by Marluna felt like it was directed away from you, for everyone else.

Other than Me or Marluna.

Whatā€™s your thoughts on other things or other players?

When you get back, I would like you to follow this up please.

Why would we execute someone who is Null.
Thatā€™s like a shot in the dark execution.

They should be wolfy or have done something that can indicate them as being a wolf.
We should never vote someone for being inactive or something else that ainā€™t AI.

As for Zenon, I havenā€™t really seen them wolf yet or if I have itā€™s been a very long time. Even if them losing motivation as wolf is a tell, I would rather actually catch them via by their posts.

Would I vote a no poster?
Probably not here in this game because itā€™s only Zenon now.

But yes sometimes I vote them until they post something and then Iā€™ll unvote assuming nothing they said was wolfy.

I think thereā€™s a wolf between Baker and Jormok.
Hence why my vote has stayed there.

Scoot seems fine for now, slightly towny but I wouldnā€™t be too confident in that read

I donā€™t disagree with that read but I want reason for Bolded

Also can I ask why you believe this?

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For the record I also donā€™t disagree with that either because Baker to me was null but I could feel a bit of a potential wolf vibe and I didnā€™t really like Jormā€™s 1-2 so much and even though they re-explained it, it still doesnā€™t change what they initially said.

You want reason why I think theyā€™re slightly towny for now? Well, they seem to be relatively relaxed in thread early on and I think they might be a bit more stiff if wolf, thinking they need to not be so chill.

I also think thatā€¦ voting someone because of a die roll in their head seems like a weird excuse for a wolf, when wolves would want people to follow them. (If Kanave flips W this might need to be looked into more but still applies for now)

Not a big fan of their individual slots and typically I think that usually in some of the more wolfy slots there actually exists 1 or 2 wolves. (E.G. My you/Leafia read in FAM. Wholly correct despite your protests)

That is fair.
I also remember the dude making a funny meme response when Guava was talking about the dice roll in their head.

I think itā€™s Null personally but I think the way he want about it afterwards was good.

So do you individually wolf read them then?

I wonā€™t deny you did good at figuring out Leafia in FAM.
I just didnā€™t get the read.
You also wolf read me for pushing on you which was lol.

Dark Magician??


the person voting marluna

also i have a scumlean on one of the other SOD posters

rest felt pretty null to me with a few towny things

my reads are valid up until #203


@zorvo are you DM

Iā€™ll be real lol, it was mainly just a joke. I like goofing around and didnā€™t even think of it being attributed to a player. (Although it seems Zorvo understood haha)

I actually got a question about the pick your poison setup.

So wolves get to choose the group they go against, yeah? But I assume not who gets assigned as what?

Most of us should be vanilla villagers right? I tend to get a bit lost in the terms.