you’re a super “interesting” person, tutuu.
Also what were you expecting? Vampires are people too.
They don’t have a reflection in mirrors, according to vampire lore.
you’re a “super” interesting person, tutuu.
Can i call you luni? Whats a nickname for Marluna
you’re a super interesting “person”, tutuu
That’s I am different with from oother “common vampires” I learned to mimick my reflection…
somehow you were on the exact same wavelenght but you still managed to reject him
“luna”, usually
I prefer when people call me Luna, but Luni is a fine nickname.
But I was called already Marlu, Marli, Lulu, Nana and Lunaris so far.
Luni is unique for you so far.
Right, Kii called me Cenvil when I started here. (that was my username on ToS forum)
Omg yessss i want to call you a unique nickname just for meeee
tutuu, could i call you a unique nickname
But what is it. Its not shithead right?
stupid idiot stupid moron i’ve told you about cry of fear haven’t i. i think you might’ve played it before getting bored?