There should be a separate mafia game going on inside every maifa game. Where you have to guess the host’s setup and if the host gets toog uessed they lose. Currently there’s no incentives for hosts’ setups to be good
Are investigatives a subset of informatives
Problem is designing setups is subjective so of course figuring out the roles is also subjective but can be done. You know mafia aren’t going to have 3 vigilantes so you can clear people based off this knowledge etc etc
Informatives gets the host to give any player any feedback.
Investigatives is the same, except the feedback has to be information about the players.
someone layered text over a conversation in a language i don’t speak and i just thought they were horribly misspelling english words and did it to be clearer
Unless rolecops existing in the game it really doesn’t matter, if you make a Mafia Cop.
Literally any mafia can lie being a cop at anytime (since they know the whole mafia team anyway.)
…I like this idea.
Let’s do this soon™.
A’ight. Gimme a moment to DM you at Discord.
I’m at work rn so might respond laterish
i think you should add a mafia desperado instead
(I mean… It is funni…)
(Pessimistically, this can be misconstrued as an implication that none of the current setups are good.)
The question is: When do “you” have to guess the host’s (i.e., my) setup, and who is “you”? (The players, or the people who wish to access informed spec chat?)
Mafia already has this sort of built in. See: Jarek trying to solve based off of my design and failing three times in a row or something. (sorry Jarek)
Letting players and spectators alike guess “the setup” is not enough. I know from experience that players can mass-throw the game legally by mass-claiming D1. That’s what happened at Rokugan FM; that’s what will happen again if I don’t pay attention to this scenario.
Therefore, there must be multiple setups that the players have to guess. An option is to use the (power) roles of past setups, and then modify them slightly to match the power levels of other roles of the setup.
This setup will not be a setup for the sake of the players’ fun. This setup will be for the sake of the host’s pain. An optional side-game that exists but nobody has to play. In a sense, this “side-game” is a more direct implement of my motto of “abandon mech; return to mountain” …because (unfortunately) it has no presence. It is designed to have no presence.
i think someone said this earlier but did you consider designing roles and applying alignments to them seperately, if youre that concerned with it
i’ve been watching some guy eat food lately
this has gotta be the 5th restaurant where people eat in somewhere called “The Library”
okay you’re joking but
its called the joy of creation
the what