oceania is not really a continent insifar as a continent is a contiguous(ish) landmass defined by a tectonic plate
oceania, while defined by a tectonic plate, isn’t a contiguous landmass
oceania is not really a continent insifar as a continent is a contiguous(ish) landmass defined by a tectonic plate
oceania, while defined by a tectonic plate, isn’t a contiguous landmass
love that right away there’s an asterisk for contiguous because there are obvious questions and problems with that definition. Sorites paradox is undefeated.
zealandia is the 6th continent. i will not elaborate
Aquantis was taken by aliens, I will not elaborate
new zealand and most of the non-australia islands in oceania are formed along the edges of the plate
Me on my way to hand in my mafia resume to Arete (it consists of Word Match, Zelda Mafia, and Anime Mafia):
all of them are tianted but. yea
chaos gremlins
oh yeah no the school was terrible at being the autism school but it was officially a school for children with autism. been recently getting hit with scandals, though
not really
one of them is just privleged and kinda got hooked into it and one of them was raised by very conservative parents
I don’t know.
i don’t think she’s a survival friend but.
Why does that not surprise me
it should not suprise you
I feel like always there must be some void souled bastards that seep to take advantage of the most sensible
yeah idk its weird
there was a scandal that they covered up pretty well right before i came when a teacher sent nudes to a student but i know little about that
…How do you manage to cover something like this up? Well unless the teacher was using some very oldgen platform where you could just delete something forever.
But why are all of those school boards full of lots of covering-up idiots, I feel it’s systematic
Maybe if they were using messenger or telegram? Does telegram save photos automatically to your phone? I can’t tell cuz I am using it on my PC
well as in they just didn’t really tell anyone about it
everyone Knew but they didn’t know anything beyond “oh that teacher is gone”
the news has their sentencing aand that’s about it
Ohhhhhh that type of covering. Yeah sorry pedos, go to jail forever and leave children alone
oh she was only sentenced to one year!
Really??? I thought they only do that with politicians in south korea