Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

i’m saying i want to hear more about the 1800s, and i don’t care about the 1900s

i am aware that there is 21 centuries

oh i thought you kept going about the same thing. if the 19th century is unexplored then the other thing being a boring slog has similarities

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i’m not sure if i should be insulted you thought i’d make that mistake

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First World War, Citizens uprising all over Europe, The Communist Revolutions, the uprising of ultranationalism, the world war 2, the rise of pacifism, the end of colonialism due to bankrupcy, the start of independent african and asian nations, communist warring, the fall of UK and France from grace, the quick advance of modern science

There’s way too much


you’ve made bigger ones pat pat :heart:

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the gilded age my behated

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associating with you has been some of my worst ones yes

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american civil war was p big there
you hear about everything that happened (in america) around slavery and the civil war, presumably because they did spend like 20 years trying to keep the union together over this one thing

that’s also just an american history thing i know fuck all about elsewhere

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The unification of UK and Ireland. The collapse of Prussia. The Victorian era with skyrocket employment, the boycotting of sugar by women to protest slave-exploited sugar and salt, the monarchic uprising in France, the unification of Italy, the wars of the germans, the unification of Romania, the uprising of balkan nations against Turkey, the american civil war, the slow end of slavery, the start of japanese imperialism

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ottoman empire* :nerd_face:


Even in the past 10 years there’s been alot of things that makes this decade feel distinctly different all alone

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a lot of it is a rise in popularity of being a “nerd”

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But who knows, the history notebook will just tell you only about the “uprising of neofascism in USA and Europe” like it happened now 100 years ago with Hitler.

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we’re talking about entirely different things aren’t we

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good observation

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i did a thing
time to jump around in circles for thirty minutes until the hyperfixation wears off


thank you i try my best.

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i noticed yes