Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

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That one looks okay, but was thinking in the back of the hair.


My first time openly fascinating over girl fashion and abstractically designing myself into one


I’d like clothing that almost look like a mini skirt, though I’d like pants to go along well with them

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i googled “minimalistic video game ideas” (for development) and one person recommended “minecraft”. idk what to say :man_facepalming: i hate children


Usually the games by popcap I’d describe as “minimalistic” or like overall any child-friendly games in the 2000s.

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yes minecraft could not be any further from minimalistic its very complex and in-depth. the kid didnt know what minimalistic means

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Yeah I wouldn’t easily describe sandbox games as minimalistic.

But don’t go too harsh on the kids, well okay I also don’t like kids, but remember you were a silly tiny goober yourself once or twice or alot-of-times.

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why what?.. why you should be yourself? because i don’t think you really want to exist in this perpetual state of saying things that don’t reflect how you feel just so you can make people laugh. i doubt you will ever find satisfaction in this way.

consider that it’s basically ragebaiting but instead of baiting rage you’re baiting people to just react to you in some way. reactionbaiting. idk. point is you you aren’t really deriving satisfaction internally, you just get a hit of dopamine from someone giving you attention for a moment. do you not feel like the attention is meaningless if it was given to you about… a post that isn’t really you? people self-deprecate for jokes now and again for a laugh but nobody i have met makes as much of a 9-5 job as you do

i may be projecting a lot here because i know that my satisfaction and happiness are seldom derived from external things. and i’m guilty of what you do as well to an extent, because i joke about wanting to be praised but when i think about it any meaningful praise i’ve received has had an ephemeral effect on my overall satisfaction compared to… how i view my own performance and accomplishments. and i think this is the way most people operate - maybe i’m wrong, and if i’m wrong on this then good for you. but i imagine people’s default way of functioning is the same as mine in this case. i suppose it’s linked to why people say you should fix yourself before you get into a relationship, and especially while not suffering with poor mental health. because it’s hard for a partner’s comfort, love and reassurance to have a lasting effect when you can’t even love yourself, for who you are -and not a caricature

i’ve basically had this conversation with you in at least 5 different forms but the overall sentiment is always the same
“maybe just try being yourself for once”
“but i don’t know what that is. i derive all of my personality traits from people i interact with. i act in ways that that get me liked and conform to how other people think i should act”

you know how someone acting in a way that would get me to like them? if they are themselves -unapologetically so. that doesn’t mean you can’t conform to expectations of basic courtesy and etiquette. but idk man. you’re allowed to act in way that doesn’t net you the maximum social credit or fol likes. you love marissa right? she’s a good example of this. everyone likes marissa. and she’s unapologetically herself. i tend to find people like this more interesting. i still love you. but the times i have found myself deeply respecting and encapsulated by you are when you have had serious conversations with me. about when you’ve struggled, what your aspirations are. i think t would be good to be like that more often


You know when stuff’s getting done when Arctic summons its internal gray.

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i dont have the attention to read and digest most of this

i am myself. myself likes making jokes like that. its funny to me. its not any deeper than that

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Tutuu just read it, keep your tik tok monkeyed brain away from your focus



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people at arctic’s age like to analyze everything. a few hours ago i had a discord friend, same as arctic’s age i think, write an essay on yaoi. about like why do girls like yaoi jokes. ppl at that age like to think a lot and i think they overcomplicate stuff

But tutuu that’s 10x different to what Arctic is trying to say to you.

He’s saying that the times you’re serious are the times you’re being yourself and you aren’t just putting different court jester hats when you just want people to give you attention when you’re being inauthentic instead to what you actually want to be like.


if you didn’t read what i said then what is the point of responding? you aren’t really addressing anything i said. you don’t have to, but if you don’t then at least don’t condescend to me. you asked me a question and i gave my honest answer

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i read it

you are armchair psychoanalyzing me

i dont act this way on fol specifically. i joke like that with all my friends. its funny to me. im not unhappy about it. i dont conform to fol. i say things on fol that ppl dont like. like right now u are telling me “do this” and im telling u “no”

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this was a sarcastic why. i dont like being told what to do in a non-joking manner

I don’t think Arctic is trying to order you into anything. I feel there’s some miscommunication down the line, easy to get heated over miscommunication.

If you’re being a silly goober because you vibe with it, just like I am. Then I’d say it’s fine.