you can take me hot to go
super metroid is so good i am obsessed with it rn
why have i never beaten this game befroe
Prometheus. Foresight. Forethought.
Epimetheus. Hindsight. Afterthought.
As a mortal, I cannot intrude the domain of the future. The past on the other hand…
silviu dropping banger posts
This is a really good post and i know it was aimed at tutuu but this actually severely applies to me too it seems thanks arctic
We really dropping bangers for the people who need it god bless
anyway im cleaning my room ama
jail are you interested in running a roleplay game or was that simply just thinking
well the running part is intimidating to me, but i need challenges in my life deadass. Im considering it. But i know id love to brainstorm ideas cuz ive been in a roleplaying/writing mood honestly
i know working with atlas would cook tho
space kotc…
: (A) → (B)
1: Req(A), Acq(Id(Bs)), Res(1)
2: Req(B), Acq(Id(As)), Res(N)
3: Req(A), Acq(Vis(A, X))
4: Req(B), Acq(Vis(X, B))
5: Req(A), Acq(Type(As)), Res(1)
6: Req(B), Acq(Type(As)), Res(N)
7: Acq(Id(As)), Req(Ax), Acq(Bx)
8: Acq(Id(Bs)), Req(Bx), Acq(Ax)
9: Req(A, Gue(X)), Acq(Vis(A, X)), Res(1)
10: Req(B, Gue(X)), Acq(Vis(X, B)), Res(1)
11: Acq(Id(As)), Req(Gue(B)), Acq(Vis(Ax, B))
12: Acq(Id(Bs)), Req(Gue(A)), Acq(Vis(A, Bx))
( ◇Req ∧ ◇Acq ) > 12
you’re like one step away from becoming a category theorist
what did you do