you can import a decklist with a thing on most mtg tables
but that’s effort
i don’t think you understand just how lazy i am
i will do it for you
ways that prevent ur opponent from playing the game can be interesting, doing it through land destruction almost never is
i am looking to get a pathfinder second edition game running
please dm me if you have interest
on discord. not the forums. my username is daeyron
holy triangle…
nintendo mii chatroom is already incredibly based i lovr miis
I dreamt a lot. I had some ruby stone that i broke down i was trying to get pieces for a jeweler to make me a necklace. I dreamt that a guy destroyed our Sun and we were all gonna die. I dreamt that i played yugioh against some godly entity to save our world. I played kashtira.
@Clove can you please start actually smoking heaven instead of smoking for yourself, hiding in them and baiting the entire team
What the… Déjà vu.
Trident. Minecraft escape room. Smallant.
Is Daeron going to complain about this?
I am confusion?
hiya gang its me on ym new “had a bad muscle cramp and am thus mostly bedridden for the rest of the day while i recover” arc
im still on the bunnygirl arc though. i got rabbit and steel about it, it’s fun as fuck so far
You probably watched too much anime…
Aritmetically incorrect
It’s… I’m currently watching a YT video about a Minecraft Escape Room involving a trident, a large room, and “something gold in color”, and I suddenly had a déjà vu. I told it to… somewhere. Maybe Discord, and I “remember” someone complaining about it. For some reason I thought it was you.
It was me
i am quite fond of benjamin franklin